Blue Bassoon – Daniel Smith (Digital download full cd)


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An incredible record from Daniel Smith, whose accomplishment reaches beyond the application of the bassoon to blue jazz. If the bassoon gains a place among major solo vehicles in jazz, it will do so thanks to Smith. Martin Bejerano is the regular pianist in Roy Haynes’ band and one of the most lauded young musicians and sought-after sidemen currently on the scene, known for his lyrical and flowing technique. Edward Perez is highly regarded in Latin jazz circles. As a sideman, Perez displays confident, forthright sound; preternatural poise at the front edge of the beat; and impossibly steady rhythm. Ludwig Afonso is a permanent member of Spyro Gyra and works frequently in Bejerano’s quartet. He is a remarkably subtle player, carefully crafting architecture that becomes the skeleton of every song he plays.


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