Swinging Down the Chimney Tonight (EP) – Donny Most (Digital download full ep)


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The Huffington Post says:  “What a (singing) voice!! What energy!  Who knew? (Move over Michael Buble.) ”

On this very special holiday EP, we are reintroduced to Donny Most, with critically acclaimed vocals and band!…

Whether it is Christmas tune, a ballad, or swinging favorite, listeners will know they are in for a treat from the first note. “…Just as younger audiences have embraced Tony Bennett…”, Donny is ever-appealing, talented and committed to great music. He is currently touring with his band performing his Sings and Swings: Sinatra, Dino, Darin & more show. Watch for the upcoming full-length release in Feb. 2017.

Donny Most is best known for his role as Ralph in the long running television series “Happy Days”. During this time, he worked with such emerging giant talents as Ron Howard and the late Garry Marshall. Recently, Don was seen in a recurring role on the hit TV show – “Glee”, as well as a starring role in the indie film – “The Yankles”.